Doorways for Women and Families

Is selling your house stressing you out?!?

It is often heard that buying and selling a home is one of the biggest stresses in life. This is something to remember as home stagers and we hope that our involvement leads to a smoother transition from one home to the next for our home owners. We are very fortunate to be trusted by our home owners and are grateful for their confidence and hopefulness even when we make crazy requests in their home sale preparation. It never gets old when we see our staged listings sell quickly and for big bucks.

With that said, we have to remember that even in our booming real estate economy here in Northern Virginia there are still plenty of families without a stable, safe home. As we've mentioned before we are pleased to be involved with Doorways for Women and Families and we support their mission to break the cycles of poverty and violence. Their goal to create brighter futures for all is dear to our hearts. Join us in donating to a local charity with proven results. 

The Campaign for Brighter Futures seeks to build a stronger, safer community by breaking the cycles of poverty and violence that keep many generations of families locked in struggle.

The Campaign for Brighter Futures seeks to build a stronger, safer community by breaking the cycles of poverty and violence that keep many generations of families locked in struggle.
