If you have the chance to visit the renovated Smithsonian Renwick Gallery in Washington DC, please go. The 150-year story of the building itself carries a history worth studying including being saved from demolition by Jackie Kennedy. Reopening in November 2015 after major renovations, the initial exhibition is simply called, Wonder. Nine contemporary and cutting-edge artists brought their large scale installations to the historic building. Each installation is only truly appreciated in person due to the color, large-scale, and particularly the lighting. The juxtaposition between the art and the brick & mortar structure is something special. Please visit before May 2016, when Wonder begins to leave the museum. It's something you'll never forget. Wonder.

Tara Donovan, Untitled 

Tara Donovan, Untitled 

Leo Villareal, Volume

Leo Villareal, Volume

Source: http://renwick.americanart.si.edu/wonder/g...